![]() When you're not Trick-or-Treating, reading Halloween books or enjoying other Spooky events during this Halloween weekend, check out ParenthoodNJ's craft ideas and Halloween crafts on the following sites: Education.com - free printable coloring pages, craft ideas & more Celebrate Halloween - Nick Jr offers ways to make your own costume & decorations, tasty treats & Halloween coloring cards DLTK's Growing Together - another great site for free printables and craft ideas
![]() The perfect accessory to a pumpkin Materials Needed: * Large Black Pom Pom ball * Several beads of different colors * Googly eyes or eye stickers * Pipe cleaners * Hot glue strongly suggested (parental supervision required) but craft glue could work Learn to make this cute, not creepy, spider for Halloween. We discovered this craft at the Miller-Cory House Museum. 1. Glue the pipe cleaners to the bottom of the pom pom ball. Let the glue dry completely. (Parents might want to do this step beforehand so kids don't have to wait; also a good idea if using a hot glue gun). 2. Use glue (craft glue is sufficient) to apply googly eyes or attach foam eye stickers. 3. String the beads along the pipe cleaners. Bend the bottom of each pipe cleaner so the beads don't fall off. Find the perfect spot for your crafty critter. ![]() Materials Needed: * Paper mask (or card stock paper & scissors) * Popsicle stick or similar * Face stickers * Markers or crayons (optional) * Glue * Cut out designs such as a bat * Feathers, glitter or other decor (optional) This craft can be as simple or elaborate as you and your kids want to make it. 1. If you haven't bought a paper mask, then cut a mask out of your card stock paper. 2. Let your child apply "face" stickers to make a cute face on the mask or let them draw a face. 3. ![]() Materials Needed: * Black construction paper * Googly Eyes * Glue * Scissors * Piece of yarn * Crayons or Markers * Party streamers (color optional) * Stickers (optional) This idea came from the Middlesex Borough Library and is a great way to get in the festive mood. 1. Draw a bat on the black construction paper (parents will need to do this for younger children). Use a template if desired. 2. Cut out the bat shape. 3. Let your child decorate the bat with markers or crayons. Stickers can be added if desired. 4. Glue on the eyes. 5. If you want, glue on as many streamers as desired. 6. Cut a small hole in the top of the bat and attach the yarn. Then hang and enjoy! 5. ![]() Materials needed: * card stock, colored or construction paper * crayons or makers * photo of your child in Halloween costume * scissors & glue (optional) * stickers (optional) What better way to share the Halloween holiday with distant loved ones than a special card? Younger children might need a little help but let your child decide what the design will be. Use crayons or markers to create a Halloween scene and embellish with stickers or pasted pictures, if desired. For an extra special card, include a photo of your child in Halloween attire. |
March 2018
AuthorSandra K. Lee is a freelance writer and stay-at-home mom with a 8-year-old princess & a 4-year-old superhero in Middlesex County, New Jersey. |