Disney Frozen Birthday Party Ideas
Disney Frozen Decor![]() If you plan to do a Frozen Birthday party during any season other than winter, you will have trouble finding winter-themed items or will pay a premium. Luckily, my mom is a former florist and collects lots of decorations and I was able to raid my own holiday decorations. However, there were some we made. The snowflakes on the mirror were paper cut-outs covered with silver glitter spray (Home Depot had better prices than Michaels). But beware, the glitter does flake off so if you use it, you'll be seeing glitter for a while.
![]() We made an Olaf Snowman using styrofoam balls and then used glittery tinsel and spread it around.
![]() Our Frozen landscape took about two hours to put together (plus an hour for the cardboard cut-outs). To see how we put this together (& our fake snow replacement), click here.
![]() The paper snowflakes on the mirror above were made with a special paper cutter that I was able to borrow from a librarian friend. The leftover pieces were also sprayed with glitter and used as a border for my archways (see left).
The Olaf at left was made by blowing up a "Build a Snowman" craft. I used Photoshop to blow up and print each section of Olaf and then glued the pieces to a large piece of card stock paper. My original plan was to use it as a "Pin the Carrot on Olaf" game but the kids had so much fun we never got to it. ![]() The silver curtain was purchased at Oriental Trading.
My husband created the picture of Elsa and Anna and printed it on 11 x 17 paper, which I taped within the frame. ![]() We made snowballs by shaping white stuffing into round balls. Very easy and quick to do and the kids loved throwing them at each other.
![]() We bought a white curtain and strung snowflake lights across the top.
Then we hung glittery paper snowflakes (same as on the mirror) using fishing line. Stringing them was very time consuming so in the other room I taped them to the window. ![]() I took a bunch of online photos from Frozen and put them on a digital frame. Those pictures were interspersed with those of my daughter's other birthdays, which she really enjoyed. My mother donated "snowball" flowers in vases. The votives (see below) were simply pictures printed on white paper and taped around glasses with battery-powered votive lights inside. The poster was made by my husband.
Food for a Frozen Princess![]() Using my resources, I strong-armed my friend into making the cake. The "ice crystals" around the cake were made using the Breaking Bad Crystal Meth idea. They didn't come out quite as blue as expected. My advice is make sure you boil it enough but not too much or you will turn it more green. The figures were simply plastic toys. The cake was the most complicated food item but all the other ones were very easy.
![]() Wanna Build a Snowman? One of the easier food items for a Frozen Birthday Party and the most popular for the kids. We used pretzel sticks to attach the marshmallows to each other and for arms. Orange tic-tacs were the noses. We had candy eyes and the kids used white icing to attach the eyes to the faces.
![]() "Elsa's Chilly Treats" were simply blue Jello poured into plastic cups and allowed to chill in the fridge.
Then we topped them with whipped cream. The kids loved them. Other "Frozen" Jello ideas here. ![]() "Kristoff's Ice Blocks' were Rice Krispy Treats cut in half and piled on a plate.
Other simple treats included "Olaf's Nose" which were baby carrots and "snowballs" were popcorn. We put blue food coloring into water and called it "Melted Snow." ![]() I found pictures online of Anna and Elsa and in Microsoft Word I created labels using the pictures and Gabriola font.
Then I printed them out and taped them to sparkling fruit juice bottles for a fancy drink. Invitations, Goodies and More![]() We bought pre-made invitations and thank you cards from Party City but you might be able to get a better deal from Oriental Trading Company, so shop around if you have time.
![]() We got a lot of goodies from Oriental Trading and I spent under $5 per kid and they got lots of stuff. It helped that I ordered for my son's summer birthday party so I didn't pay shipping. The goody bags were simply silver gift bags that my daughter decorated with sparkly foam snowflake stickers and Crayola Metallic Pens. For our list of what we included, go here.
![]() Kids could safely throw snowballs at each other without fear of getting wet or hurt. The other two baskets were snowflake and crown crafts (see below).
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