Foreign Language & Bilingual Books
Getting Started in a Foreign Language, Foreign Language Groups, Schools and Classes & Other Resources
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The books are in the foreign language only and are not bilingual unless noted.
The Children's Book Review also reviews bilingual books)
You can also check our resources page for other retailers.
The books are in the foreign language only and are not bilingual unless noted.
The Children's Book Review also reviews bilingual books)
Multiple Languages
Book Lingual - sells bilingual books for kids up to 10 years old in Spanish, English and coming soon: Portuguese and French
The Usborne Book of Everyday Words in French The Usborne First Thousand Words in French (Heather Amery) The Usborne French Songbook for Beginners At home = À la maison by Clare Beaton (bilingual; she has others) Leon le Chaton (series of books by Francoise Racine) Un, Deux, Trois: First French Rhymes (book & CD) Crocodile se déshabille : Salopette, chemisette, chaussettes by Marie-Helen Delval |
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