Suggested Reading from NJ Libraries
We have included links to recommended reading lists created by various libraries. This list is sorted by the type of book. However, many libraries offer numerous reading lists (too many to post here) so we have included links to those general lists so you can pick and choose what interests you (this is under the heading Library Lists).
Seasonal/Holiday books
ParenthoodNJ's General Recommendations & Suggestions from NJ Parents & Kids
Seasonal/Holiday books
ParenthoodNJ's General Recommendations & Suggestions from NJ Parents & Kids
Picture Books
Early Reading
Elementary School
Piscataway Library - Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Somerset County Library System - After the Easy Readers list; K-1st Grade list organized by Picture Books, Easy Readers, Fiction & Non-Fiction; Grades 2-3 organized by Easy Readers, Fiction & Series; Grades 4-5; Grades 5-6 Teens and Young Adult
Library Lists
To find the website for your local library, lists libraries by state and then by county. To see the New Jersey libraries, please click here. We have featured some of the Garden State's library book lists below:
Piscataway Libary - features a lot of reading lists from "Picture Books Featuring Princesses" and "Picture Books Featuring Dinosaurs" to book lists for toddlers and students in first through fifth grades (a list for each grade)
Somerset County Library System - offers various reading lists for the early reader as well as award-winning books and suggestions for teens
Piscataway Libary - features a lot of reading lists from "Picture Books Featuring Princesses" and "Picture Books Featuring Dinosaurs" to book lists for toddlers and students in first through fifth grades (a list for each grade)
Somerset County Library System - offers various reading lists for the early reader as well as award-winning books and suggestions for teens
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