![]() I like to think of myself as the Hugh Hefner of stay-at-home moms - in the sense of wearing pajamas at home all the time, not of scantily-clad ladies scampering around. Well, except when my daughter decides to run around in just her underwear sometimes but that’s a whole different topic. I enjoy being in my PJs so much I have several of them in different styles but no silk. There’s just something so comfortable to me about being in your PJs instead of “real” clothes when you’re home all day. Now, I don’t lounge around all day in my cotton or flannel and gorge on snacks while watching TV. I do shower, and play with my daughter, and work on my computer and do housework – I just tend to prefer doing it all in the comfort of my jammies (a trend that has increased slightly during my second pregnancy). And I do manage to get dressed when we have friends over, my daughter’s playmates visit or we go out for errands or fun. My best friend who is a mom just doesn’t understand. For her, she feels the need to do her hair, sometimes even make-up and put on everyday clothes even if she spends the day at home. Many of my mom friends She always enjoyed getting ready for work and her attire is more casual these days but I think she is trying to maintain some of that old routine to hold onto a little bit of her old self. I get that, but come on! Flannel and cotton pajamas are so soft and comfortable. Many of my mom friends seem to feel better wearing "real clothes," which sometimes makes me feel a little left out. But then I think when I return to work some day there will be plenty of days to wear “big girl” clothes. So I’m going to enjoy being all soft and snuggly while at home as long as I can. It’s just too bad, I don’t have a large PJ collection like Hef – or his mansion. Originally Published by Sandra K. Lee on the New Jersey Mom's Blog.
Sandra K. Lee
Sandra K. Lee's blogs for the New Jersey Mom's Blog were published from November 2009 to June 2010. Archives
May 2010